Medical Tourism NZ:

MedTral New Zealand
MedTral is a New Zealand company that provides world-class private medical services to international health travellers. MedTral New Zealand provides world-class medical services to international health travellers seeking high quality, affordable treatment in a first-world country. New Zealand is a first-world country and English is our first language. New Zealanders share cultural affinity with North Americans – we won’t be a foreign experience.
MedTral New Zealand is a private healthcare company owned and managed by medical physician, Dr Edward Watson. MedTral is a New Zealand based company offering international patients access to high quality surgical and recuperative care in world-class private hospitals, all of which are accredited to JCI standards. The specialists MedTral New Zealand uses are all highly qualified and trained doctors, who have received some or all of their speciality training in the USA or Europe. All speak English as their first language. The cost of world-class private medical treatment in New Zealand is significantly less than other first-world countries including the United States of America. MedTral New Zealand works in partnership with you and local doctor to determine your health care plan for an elective medical procedure. The MedTral New Zealand way is for you to have the diagnosis of your condition, and the associated diagnostic tests, performed in your home country. MedTral New Zealand provides contingency insurance cover as part of the MedTral package which covers against unexpected events such as prolonged hospitalisation and follow-up surgery.
Services Offered:
For details contact:
Medtral Ltd
PO Box 99-894
Newmarket 1149
New Zealand
Tel: Toll free: USA/Canada 1866 206 3582 or 649 623 6588
Website:MedTral Website